1.1 Service Box (from here on to be referred to as the “Group”) is a leading home appliance and household electronic item warranty company that provides white goods repairs and boiler servicing and repairs across the UK and works with manufacturers approved engineers and a UK based contractor network.
2.1 The Modern Slavery Act (2015) brings together the legislative response to modern slavery. Modern Slavery encompasses human trafficking, slavery, servitude and forced compulsory labour (GOV.UK).
2.2 The Group has a zero-tolerance stance on modern slavery within its business and any of its supply chains.
2.3 This policy applies to:
2.4 The Group expects the same standards to be implemented in all our suppliers. Prohibitions against modern slavery are included within our contracting process and we expect suppliers to do the same with their own suppliers.
3.1 The Group takes Modern Slavery extremely seriously and has implemented various policies aimed at identifying and reducing the risk of unethical behaviour within our supply chain such as:
4.1 Due diligence is undertaken by the Group when reviewing or employing new suppliers through the following processes:
5.1 The Group’s Board of Directors and Management Team has overall responsibility for ensuring the Group’s compliance with our policies.
5.2 All Group staff members and suppliers must be compliant with this policy.
6.1 Any suspicion or incidences regarding modern slavery must be reported as soon as possible to:
7.1 Any Group staff member who breaches this policy will face disciplinary action, which may result in a dismissal.
7.2 Any Group supplier who breaches of this policy will face a possible termination of the business relationship.
8.1 The Group has implemented relevant safeguarding measures and Group staff members have received appropriate training to prevent, identify and report instances of modern slavery and human trafficking. Any incidents will be reported to:
Modern Slavery Unit
Home Office
2 Marsham Street
8.2 All Group employees have been advised to monitor and report any concerns of modern slavery and human trafficking via the Group’s Whistleblowing policy which can be used confidentially.
9.1 This policy is available to the Group’s staff, suppliers and the public on the Group’s website: https://service-box.co.uk/
10.1 The Group’s Board of Directors and Management Team is responsible for reviewing this policy on an annual basis to ensure the Group’s commitment to fight against modern slavery and human trafficking.
Signed 1/02/2025
Jonathan Pavey
Managing Director